Disgraced film mogul and convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein spent his 68th birthday on Thursday at a maximum security prison in upstate New York, where he was given informational materials about surviving sexual abuse behind bars and prison suicide prevention. Disgraced film mogul and convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein spent his 68th birthday Thursday in a prison in upstate New York. On his first full day at Wende, which also was his birthday, correctional officers presented Weinstein a sexual abuse pamphlet called 'The Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Prison; What Inmates Need to Know,' as required by a state corrections directive, the New York Post reports. Weinstein was then shown a video about how prisoners should avoid considering death by suicide while behind bars. Prisoners are intended to keep the video, 'Suicide Prevention for People in Prison', with them for the remainder of their stay.
Source: Daily Mail March 20, 2020 00:43 UTC