Hannity: In the 'new' Democratic Party, it's 'woke' to abolish law enforcement - News Summed Up

Hannity: In the 'new' Democratic Party, it's 'woke' to abolish law enforcement

In his opening monologue on Friday, "Hannity" host Sean Hannity said that it is clear, from the comments and actions of several Democratic Party officeholders across the country, that it is now en vogue to try to end the custom of police and law enforcement. Hannity pointed to several examples, including in Minneapolis -- which has had protests and looting since the death of George Floyd there last week. "So clearly in the new radical far-left socialist Democratic Party, it is now officially woke to abolish the police," Hannity said. Hannity pointed in turn to a tweet from Washington Examiner writer Byron York, who essentially asked Democrats to have their proverbial bluff called. Hannity pointed to Michigan Democratic Gov.

Source: Fox News June 06, 2020 02:26 UTC

