Hamas, PA officials call for Temple Mount violence during Ramadan: NGO - News Summed Up

Hamas, PA officials call for Temple Mount violence during Ramadan: NGO

Arabs wave Hamas flags outside the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the last Friday of Ramadan, April 29, 2022. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)Palestinian Authority officials threaten ‘violent response’ if Jews visit the Temple Mount. By Lauren Marcus, World Israel NewsOfficials from the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas terror group are signaling that they are gearing up for violent clashes on the Temple Mount during the upcoming Ramadan holiday, Zionist NGO Your Jerusalem told World Israel News. “Your Jerusalem has noted a huge uptick in incitement to terror and violence in Jerusalem and in Israel, from Hamas and other terror groups,” Maor Tzemach, the CEO of the group, told World Israel News. Because Passover overlaps with several days of Ramadan this year, It’s likely that Israel will permit Jews to tour the site.

Source: Ethiopian News March 19, 2023 08:40 UTC

