Hala Mbappé: Kicking Back Against Division - News Summed Up

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Hala Mbappé: Kicking Back Against Division

Muslims follow dietary laws outlined in Islamic teachings, which include specific methods of animal slaughter. The founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), was deeply concerned with the humane treatment of animals. It is recorded that once, the Holy Prophet (sa) saw a crying camel, so he walked up to the camel and consoled it. Then the Holy Prophet (sa) asked whose camel it was, and when a young man stepped forward claiming the camel, the Holy Prophet (sa) said, ‘Don’t you fear Allah about this beast which Allah has given in your possession? And so, as Mbappé emphasises, we should champion ideas that unite us rather than divide us.

Source: National Post July 02, 2024 20:59 UTC

