Hajia4Reall forfeits over US$2.1m after romance scam guilty plea in US court - News Summed Up

Hajia4Reall forfeits over US$2.1m after romance scam guilty plea in US court

This was part of a guilty plea she entered in a romance scam case that started last year. Montrage pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring to receive stolen money and per US laws, faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison. Meanwhile, Hajia4Reall’s team have reacted to the development via a statement shared on her Instagram page hours after the guilty plea was published. They explained that she voluntarily flew from Heathrow to JFK in May 2023 to face the criminal case in the Southern District of New York. “In May 2023, Ms. Montrage voluntarily boarded the flight from Heathrow to JFK to face the criminal case in the Southern District of New York.

Source: GhanaWeb February 22, 2024 22:46 UTC

