Growers from South Canterbury enter apple orchard joint venture with Rockit Global - News Summed Up

Growers from South Canterbury enter apple orchard joint venture with Rockit Global

Turley Farms co-owners Murray and Margaret Turley have turned dryland crop and stock properties into high-value vegetable and arable operations. Now, after running a trial with various varieties, they’re investing in apple-growing and have settled on the fruit managed and marketed by Rockit. The Turley Rockit partnership has planted a 20-hectare orchard with plans to bring in other investors to grow the Rangitata site to 100 ha. A trial orchard planted in eight varieties in 2021 was followed by another six varieties last year. The 2D growing system used by Rockit appealed as it produced more fruit from a smaller area, and projected returns for Rockit apple growing were attractive.

Source: Otago Daily Times November 22, 2023 13:15 UTC

