Grimes and Azealia Banks subpoenaed in Elon Musk lawsuit - News Summed Up

Grimes and Azealia Banks subpoenaed in Elon Musk lawsuit

The US district court of northern California has granted a motion to subpoena the musicians Grimes (AKA Claire Boucher) and Azealia Banks in the ongoing lawsuit against Tesla founder Elon Musk brought by a group of the company’s shareholders. Grimes, Banks and Musk have not commented on the news. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Elon Musk in Beijing this month to meet Chinese premier Li Keqiang. However, in early January, Banks appeared to threaten Musk after the tech billionaire’s lawyers maligned the rapper’s credibility in a filing. “They are still slighting me like I don’t have plenty more dirt to spill on Elon,” Banks wrote in an Instagram post that she later deleted.

Source: The Guardian January 18, 2019 13:41 UTC

