Greenland now a major driver of rising seas — study - News Summed Up

Greenland now a major driver of rising seas — study

That estimate, he added, assumes that the rate at which ocean levels rise will remain constant. The new study, published in Nature Climate Change, reconciles for the first time two distinct measurements of sea level rise. Overall, the pace of global average sea level rise went up from about 2.2 millimeters a year in 1993, to 3.3 millimeters a year two decades later. Disentangling single sources — such as the massive chunk of ice atop Greenland — is even harder. “This is a major warning about the dangers of a sea level rise that will continue for many centuries, even after global warming is stopped,” said Brian Hoskins, chair of the Grantham Institute at Imperial College London.

Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer June 26, 2017 18:33 UTC

