Gordon Ramsay Threw Swimmer Lia Thomas Out of His Restaurant? - News Summed Up

Gordon Ramsay Threw Swimmer Lia Thomas Out of His Restaurant?

In January 2024, a viral post on Facebook from the account SpaceX Fanclub claimed that British chef and restaurateur Gordon Ramsay threw former NCAA swimmer Lia Thomas out of one of his restaurants. The story appeared to originate on the website esspots.com, which wrote:Breaking: Gordon Ramsay Throws Lia Thomas Out Of His Restaurant, "No Place For You Here" In a world that's constantly cooking up controversies, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has supposedly added his own spice to the mix. "Lia sent back the risotto three times! Lia Thomas sent a Risotto back 3x! However, the claim about Ramsay throwing Thomas out of his restaurant was not true.

Source: The Guardian June 26, 2024 21:41 UTC

