Google announces new Wallet app with support for digital IDs - News Summed Up

Google announces new Wallet app with support for digital IDs

If there's one thing Google likes to do almost as much as constantly launching new messaging apps, it's killing an app or service and then after a while launching another thing with the same name. So, with that in mind, say hello to the new Google Wallet. And at some later point, Wallet will even support digital IDs, where you can identify yourself without even giving anyone your phone, through the magic of NFC. The same goes for concert tickets - you'll receive a notification reminding you of the gig. Since Google loves to be confusing with its apps and services sometimes, Google Pay will still be around in the US, India, and Singapore, focusing on sending and receiving payments from friends, but you'll pay for stuff with Google Wallet.

Source: The Nation May 12, 2022 01:16 UTC

