Glee at 10: How the TV musical comedy ushered in an era of inclusivity - News Summed Up

Glee at 10: How the TV musical comedy ushered in an era of inclusivity

The other was Kurt Hummel, a character in the musical comedy-drama series Glee, which first aired a decade ago today. In the pre-Netflix era, when TV seasons ran for over 20 episodes and had to attract a weekly audience, it was watched by a peak of 10 million viewers a week in the US. 10 most uplifting TV shows Show all 10 left Created with Sketch. Like all TV shows, Glee had its flaws. Cory Monteith, one of the show’s stars, died of a drug overdose at just 31 years old.

Source: The Star May 19, 2019 06:00 UTC

