Glaxo’s prescription for a healthier business - News Summed Up

Glaxo’s prescription for a healthier business

Emma Walmsley, in command at Glaxosmithkline headquarters in Brentford, west London, will focus on reviving its core pharmacuetical business AlamySitting at a boardroom table on the seventh floor of Goldman Sachs’ offices in London yesterday, Emma Walmsley had her master plan in front of her. The new chief executive of Glaxosmithkline had distilled her strategy for Britain’s biggest drugs company down from 68 pages of detailed numbers and analysis issued to the City to a single sheet of paper. As she went on to make plain to the assembled media, however, her priority was simpler still: reviving Glaxosmithkline’s core pharmaceuticals business. It is a task easier said — and, indeed, hand-scribbled in black ink on a piece of A4 — than done, not least because, in the eyes of cynics and critics, Ms Walmsley has limited experience of science and pharmaceuticals. Her background is in consumer…

Source: The Times July 26, 2017 22:52 UTC



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