The books industry may be dominated by women, but men are reaping the rewards, as the UK’s largest publishers reveal a “stark” divide in pay. The biggest disparity was seen at Hachette UK, where the median gender pay gap was 24.71%, and the mean gender pay gap was 29.69%. The UK’s largest publisher, Penguin Random House (PRH), reported that women were paid 1.6% more than men when considering the median, which compares mid points of the pay distribution. Figures from the book industry are comfortably better than national averages, which stand at 18.4% for median earnings and 17.4% for mean earnings. All three companies employ more women than men, with a split of 58% at PRH, 66% at Hachette and 64.5% at HarperCollins.
Source: The Guardian March 23, 2018 15:00 UTC