G-20 or China containment? - News Summed Up
G-20 or China containment?

G-20 or China containment?

September 17, 2023 21:10 UTC

Trending Today

G-20 or China containment?

The recently concluded G-20 Summit in New Delhi was no exception either. It is then no surprise that the G-20 Delhi declaration was not examined in detail by the world commentators. Was there anyone in the G-20 Summit who wondered why would they ‘recommit’ on the same issues repeatedly? Looking at the pattern, would anyone be surprised if the G-20 Summit scheduled to be held in Brazil next year ‘recommitted’ certain oft-repeated ‘resolves’ yet again? In fact, in comparison to the Bali Declaration, the language used in the Delhi Declaration was much diluted and indirect.

Source: The Nation September 17, 2023 21:10 UTC

