This combination of robots and natural bees exemplifies AI’s potential to bolster natural ecosystems where bee populations are struggling to thrive without intervention. Of course, as we deploy AI in beekeeping, researchers must tread carefully, recognising that bees’ intricate social structures and behaviours defy replication by machines. LGT Wealth Management in briefLGT Wealth Management UK LLP (“LGT Wealth Management”) is a UK-based wealth management partnership which provides a comprehensive range of investment management, wealth planning and private investment office services. LGT Wealth Management employs over 650 staff and has offices in London, Jersey, Bristol, Edinburgh, Leeds, Birmingham and Manchester. As at 31 December 2023, LGT Group managed assets of CHF 316 billion (USD 375.6 billion) for wealthy private individuals and institutional clients.
Source: The Guardian June 04, 2024 11:39 UTC