Fressingfield Stores is boxing clever to help charity - News Summed Up

Fressingfield Stores is boxing clever to help charity

Thinking outside the box will soon be providing people in need with extra support, while helping to increase recycling, in what is a neatly packaged win-win for all involved. Fressingfield Stores has been trialling a cardboard collection service for the past six months and is now implementing the changes across the board. Collection cages are available in front of the shop, while a machine has been donated by Mardon Group to help compress the boxes for ease of storage and transport. This money will all be donated to Fressingfield Family Trust – a newly formed charity, which will offer support to neighbouring families in need who might be struggling to pay for food or school uniforms. “Mardon Group donated the machine to compress the donations, and we have people and businesses dropping off cardboard every week, so there has been a good response.”

Source: Express November 28, 2023 00:59 UTC

