French police kill man ‘trying to burn synagogue’ in Rouen - News Summed Up

French police kill man ‘trying to burn synagogue’ in Rouen

Police patrol by a synagogue in Rouen where French police earlier killed an armed man who was trying to set fire to the building. Photograph: LOU BENOIST/AFP via Getty ImagesFrench police shot dead an armed man who set fire to a synagogue in the northwestern city of Rouen early on Friday, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin and local officials said. Le Figaro reported police intervened around 6.45am due to smoke at a Rouen synagogue. “An armed man somehow climbed up the synagogue and threw an object, a sort of Molotov cocktail, into the main praying room,” he told reporters. The synagogue was surrounded by a series of security cameras, Mr Mayer-Rossignol added.

Source: The Irish Times May 17, 2024 10:55 UTC

