Franken's resignation triggers a rush to replace him - News Summed Up

Franken's resignation triggers a rush to replace him

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Sen. Al Franken's announcement Thursday that he will resign triggers a mad-dash special election in 2018 to finish the Minnesota Democrat's term, with former Gov. Tim Pawlenty seen as a top possibility for Republicans to cash in an unforeseen pickup chance. Mark Dayton — a Democrat — will appoint a replacement to serve until the November 2018 election that would fill the seat until Franken's six-year term expires in 2020. For Republicans, Franken's exit could saddle Democrats with enough baggage to help the GOP break through in a statewide election for the first time in more than a decade. State Rep. Erin Murphy, longtime Minnesota Rep. Tim Walz and St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman are all running.

Source: Economic Times December 07, 2017 18:00 UTC

