Fossils: Newly identified sabre-toothed cat from 9 million years ago weighed 600 pounds - News Summed Up

Fossils: Newly identified sabre-toothed cat from 9 million years ago weighed 600 pounds

A newly-identified sabre-toothed cat that lived in North America five to nine million years ago weighed some 600 pounds and could have taken down prey ten times its size. M. lahayishupup is also a relative of Smilodon — arguably the best known of sabre-toothed cats — which went extinct around 10,000 years ago. The new species was identified mainly from its massive forearms, a feature which sabre-toothed cats used to subdue their prey. A newly-identified sabre-toothed cat that lived in North America 5–9 million years ago weighed some 600 pounds and could have taken down prey ten times its size. 'Else we have this ancestral giant sabre-toothed cat that dispersed to all of those continents.

Source: Daily Mail May 04, 2021 13:17 UTC

