Fossil fuels-led temp increase may dent COP28 host UAE's GDP by 72% - News Summed Up

Fossil fuels-led temp increase may dent COP28 host UAE's GDP by 72%

COP28 hosts UAE and Saudi Arabia both face the likelihood of a 72 per cent GDP growth reduction. This highlights the threat posed to the region from the expansion of fossil fuels which make up 75 per cent of greenhouse gases. The study highlights the amount of damage caused to their GDP by climate change, compared to a scenario where climate change didn’t take place. “At COP28, we must commit to a just and equitable phase out of fossil fuels. Agreeing to phase out all fossil fuels is the single most significant thing that COP28 could achieve in reducing emissions and turning the tide on climate change.

Source: The North Africa Journal December 10, 2023 16:53 UTC

