Hannah Daly, who has released a new book, titled Knowing No Boundaries at Kenny's, Galway. Former Rose knows no boundariesIN education today, there are few of the horror stories that our grandparents and parents — and to a lesser extent, those of a certain younger age — lived through. Corporal punishment, psychological bullying and, indeed, sexual abuse were not uncommon in primary and secondary schools across the country in the 20th century. One of those who experienced her fair share of toil throughout her primary and secondary school life was former Dublin Rose of Tralee contestant Hannah Daly, who has released a new book, titled Knowing No Boundaries, about growing up with dyslexia, dyspraxia and sensory processing disorder. Since its launch, the book has received a big response and is having a significant impact across a wide demographic.
Source: The Herald May 24, 2023 14:51 UTC