Former Lawmaker Wants Economy Strengthened to Manage High Expectation - News Summed Up

Former Lawmaker Wants Economy Strengthened to Manage High Expectation

Monrovia – The former lawmaker of Montserrado County, District 12, Richmond Anderson, says Liberians should “give chance” for the country’s economy to be strengthened before raising expectations. The former representative comments come amid growing expectations for jobs by many young Liberians as President-elect George Weah prepares to be inducted as President. They need to manage their expectations, if they indeed love our President.”Anderson said strengthening a country that has its economy in shambles is important and would help address the high expectation for jobs of its citizens. Dating from this record, Anderson believes, it would be important that those with high expectations of getting jobs from the elected leadership give the Weah government a time to settle down. He wants Liberians see Weah’s determination for the Liberian presidency, despite hailing from a slum community, as a lesson of success rather than constantly criticizing his administration.

Source: Front Page Africa January 16, 2018 03:45 UTC

