Foreign academics slam KMT, TPP legislative reforms - News Summed Up

Foreign academics slam KMT, TPP legislative reforms

Foreign academics slam KMT, TPP legislative reformsBy Kayleigh Madjar / Staff writerA group of 30 foreign academics yesterday released a statement condemning legislative reforms proposed by opposition lawmakers, saying they are unconstitutional and undermine the objective of good governance. The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) have put forward a set of legislative reforms that would introduce “contempt of legislature” charges, require the president to answer lawmakers’ questions and expand the legislature’s investigative powers. In the statement, the academics expressed “strong concern and disappointment” about the proposed reforms. They fail to take into consideration Taiwan’s constitutional framework and go beyond the scope of legislative powers exercised in other countries, the signatories said. “More importantly, the citizens of Taiwan deserve a government that is responsible, accountable and transparent, all of which this reform bill undermines.”

Source: Taipei Times May 20, 2024 18:44 UTC

