For the South, civility first, even amid conflict - News Summed Up

For the South, civility first, even amid conflict

The politicians in Bangkok refuse to acknowledge the political nature of the southern conflict, fearing the legitimacy that would lend to the BRN and other secessionist groups. The group I chair – The Patani, a political-action group that promotes rights to self-determination in the Malay homeland – strives to maintain a semblance of civility in the conflict, but it’s an ongoing challenge. Both sides need to know there is no military solution to this conflict and the only way to move forward is through negotiation. If the two sides are going to keep fighting, they should at least embrace some degree of civility. A political solution will require the government to recognise the political nature of the conflict rather than casting it as a crime wave requiring harsh repression.

Source: The Nation Bangkok January 22, 2019 18:05 UTC

