Footballers might NOT be lying when they argue about a tackle - News Summed Up

Footballers might NOT be lying when they argue about a tackle

In the world of professional sports, a hyper-competitive environment with huge sums of money on the line, players scrap and argue for any advantage they can get. Their study found that our brains are wired to think our actions occur a 20th of a second - or 50 milliseconds - earlier than another person's. Our responses need to be at least 50 milliseconds behind another person's before our brains can recognise that we are performing slower, they found. However, Mr Tang doesn't think that the findings will account for all the disputes on the pitch. 'Clearly there are cases where people take falls and pretend they were kicked or punched,' Mr Tang said.

Source: Daily Mail April 25, 2019 10:14 UTC

