Flyers hit rough winds as India grounds Boeing 737 MAX - News Summed Up

Flyers hit rough winds as India grounds Boeing 737 MAX

The immediate trigger for the problem, which is expected to worsen as school holidays begin next month, was the grounding of 13 SpiceJet Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft, the type involved in a fatal crash in Ethiopia on Sunday and in Indonesia last October. They have increased the utilisation of existing aircraft so that the cancellations get limited,” civil aviation secretary PS Kharola said. “Following the ban of Boeing 737 MAX in Indian airspace, international inbound flights have been affected: 34 international flights into Mumbai and 12 flights bound for Delhi were cancelled. For now, SpiceJet said it is “rationalising and optimising” the use of its Boeing 737NG and Bombardier Q400 aircraft to minimise inconvenience to passengers. The airline has been asked not to take more deliveries of the 737 MAX till problems are rectified.

Source: Hindustan Times March 13, 2019 19:14 UTC

