A 50-year-old Florida woman gave birth to a baby boy in December, despite being told by doctors in 2017 that she was menopausal and had a “close to zero” chance of getting pregnant, the Naples Daily News reported. “Everyone was in shock," she told the newspaper of her family’s reaction to the news, noting she and her husband, Jerry, had just two months to prepare before the birth of their son. On Dec. 27, she underwent a pre-scheduled cesarean-section because her pregnancy was considered to be high-risk due to her age and other preexisting conditions. Hall successfully gave birth to the boy, who she and her husband named Grayson. BABY IN OHIO BEATS RARE, AGGRESSIVE CANCERThough Hall and her husband had to “start over again,” they consider Grayson to be a "blessing.”That said, "I'm 100 percent sure I'm not having any more kids," Hall told the Naples Daily News.
Source: Fox News March 01, 2019 22:07 UTC