There is a direct discount of Rs3,000 on the 64GB variant of the iPhone 8 on Flipkart. Dubbed as the End of Season Loot on Mobile, the four-day sale offers direct discounts, exchange offers and cashbacks on some of the popular smartphones released in the last few months. Apple iPhone 8Rs60,999 (earlier Rs64,000)There is a direct discount of Rs3,000 on the 64GB variant of the iPhone 8. Apple iPhone 8 PlusRs69,000 (Rs73,000)The 64GB iPhone 8 Plus is available at a direct discount of Rs4,000. The smartphone offers a 5.5-inch screen which has a resolution of 2,560x1,440p and has Gorilla Glass 3.
Source: Mint October 26, 2017 09:11 UTC