Five police killed in strife-torn anglophone Cameroon - News Summed Up

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Five police killed in strife-torn anglophone Cameroon

Published on 06.08.2018 at 12h54 by AFPFive police have been killed in fresh violence in western Cameroon, where English-speaking separatists have declared an independent state, security sources and witnesses said on Monday. “Many people were so afraid that they went off into the bush — others are trying to get to Bamenda,” the capital of Northwest Region, the source said. As the situation polarised, anglophone militants last October 1 made a symbolic declaration of independence that met with a government crackdown. Scores of police and troops have been killed, as well as more than 100 civilians, according to a government report in July. The following year, the British-ruled Southern Cameroons were amalgamated into it, giving rise to the Northwest and Southwest regions.

Source: Cameroon Daily Journal August 06, 2018 10:52 UTC

