Fishing boat runs aground on tip of northern Newfoundland - News Summed Up

Fishing boat runs aground on tip of northern Newfoundland

A fishing boat has run aground in the community of St. Lunaire-Griquet on Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula. (Google Maps - image credit)A fishing boat has run aground in the community of St. Lunaire-Griquet on Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula. A fishing boat has run aground in the community of St. Lunaire-Griquet on Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula. (Google Maps)A fishing boat has run aground in the community of St. Lunaire-Griquet on Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula, CBC News has learned. Download our free CBC News app to sign up for push alerts for CBC Newfoundland and Labrador.

Source: CBC News May 16, 2024 23:21 UTC

