The first visuals of the rescued Indian crew, who were onboard the hijacked Liberian-flagged vessel MV Lili Norfolk, emerged online on Saturday. The jubilant members of the crew can be seen chanting "Bharat Mata ki Jai" and thanking the Indian Navy in the video posted by the Navy, after the dramatic rescue operation by elite marine commandos MARCOs in the North Arabian Sea on Friday. The first visuals of the rescued Indian crew, who were onboard the hijacked Liberian-flagged vessel MV Lili Norfolk. Indian Navy spokesperson commander Vivek Madhwal said frontline warship INS Chennai intercepted the cargo vessel at 3:15pm and that MARCOs commandos "sanitised" it. "All 21 crew including 15 Indians onboard the vessel were safely evacuated from the citadel," Madhwal said.
Source: Hindustan Times January 06, 2024 18:06 UTC