Firecrackers will destroy your organs, say doctors - News Summed Up

Firecrackers will destroy your organs, say doctors

While some non-asthmatics crib over not being able to buy crackers this year, DNA looks at how different components in the crackers affect body organs and have long-term harmful effects on the body. "There are many heavy metals in the firecrackers and by the nature of being explosive, these elements not just cause pollution, but affect body organs too when inhaled. The study by four centres, which started with a survey in July 2017, will also focus on the emergency admissions due to air pollution during weather change and Diwali. The study will release the one year trend in July next year. "It is a regular phenomenon to see an increased number of patients with respiratory ailments especially elderly and children.

Source: dna October 19, 2017 02:37 UTC

