Feudal femme - News Summed Up
Feudal femme

Feudal femme

December 11, 2023 21:03 UTC

Trending Today

Feudal femme

Undoubtedly, history attests to the significant role women have played globally, be it in pol­itics, social work, war, or peace. Take Tarabai Bon­sale, a Maratha queen who fought against the Mughals, or Rose Schneiderman, an American la­bour leader and activist, both for­gotten in history. Baloch women, de­spite active political roles in the 15th and 16th centuries, often became victims of honour-relat­ed violence. Feudalists worldwide degrade women, but even our security forces, meant to protect, have faced accusa­tions of mistreatment, as seen in the Bangladesh Liberation War. Today, brave Baloch wom­en like Amma Yasmeen, Bibi Gul, and Banuk Kareema raise objec­tions against barbarism, despite facing removal from their paths.

Source: The Nation December 11, 2023 21:03 UTC

