Fellowship Being Created in Name of Victim of Ethiopia Crash - News Summed Up

Fellowship Being Created in Name of Victim of Ethiopia Crash

(AP) — An effort is underway to fund a fellowship in the name of a woman from Massachusetts who died in the Ethiopian Airlines crash in March. Yogesh Rajkotia is founder and CEO of ThinkWell, the global health nonprofit the 24-year-old Stumo was working for when she died while on her way to Uganda. Rajkotia says the fellowship is designed for women who want to "create social transformation" in global health and might be too financially constrained to fully enact their ideas. The Samya Rose Stumo Memorial Initiative for Universal Quality Healthcare will provide $100,000. She graduated from Mount Everett High School in 2010 and the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2015.

Source: Ethiopian News June 15, 2019 17:37 UTC

