Punjab CM sought the resignation following controversial remarks regarding Hindu communityFollowing his outburst against Hindus, Punjab information minister Fayyazul Hassan Chohan was removed from his post Tuesday, a provincial government spokesperson confirmed. “PTI Punjab government has removed Fayyaz Chohan from the post of Punjab Information Minister following derogatory remarks about the Hindu community,” the account tweeted. Tolerance is the first and foremost pillar on which Pakistan was built.”PTI Punjab government has removed Fayyaz Chohan from the post of Punjab Information Minister following derogatory remarks about the Hindu community. pic.twitter.com/uKJiReWc26 — PTI (@PTIofficial) March 5, 2019Meanwhile, sources said, party leader Samsam Bukhari is set to replace Chohan as the new provincial information minister. “Idol-worshippers” shouldn’t operate under the delusion that they are better than Pakistan.”Leaders of the different political parties slammed Punjab’s information minister for the derogatory remarks.
Source: The Express Tribune March 05, 2019 12:52 UTC