Father Raymond J. de Souza: Trudeau is somehow right on Venezuela - News Summed Up

Father Raymond J. de Souza: Trudeau is somehow right on Venezuela

In was in 2013 that Justin Trudeau expressed his “admiration” for China because its “basic dictatorship” enabled the regime to move fast. So fast that in a diplomatic dispute it can get a Canadian hauled into court to be re-sentenced to death. The Cold War is long over, even if the afterburn of petro-communism has reduced Venezuelans to picking through garbage for food. What was fun for Trudeau père, to foster a bromance with Fidel in order to annoy the Americans, is passé. It is a credit to Trudeau that he did not indulge in any reflexive anti-Americanism by refusing to recognize Gaidó just because the Americans did.

Source: National Post January 30, 2019 20:37 UTC

