Family hires a ghostwriter to record stories from 95-year-old grandmother - News Summed Up

Family hires a ghostwriter to record stories from 95-year-old grandmother

The elderly in our family are full of anecdotes and profound wisdom that only comes with age. While many of these stories are passed down as familial folklore, now a content creator has shared a unique idea of transcribing such life lessons into a book. On Monday, motivational speaker and writer Sahil Bloom shared a long X post in which he recalled that his mother had hired a ‘writer’ through an elderly care service to “record and transcribe stories from my grandmother”. They eventually hired a recent university graduate named Raika Sengupta who met their grandmother every week for an hour to talk about the elderly lady’s life such as her funniest childhood memories, her greatest adventures, and her biggest regrets.

Source: Indian Express August 01, 2023 18:18 UTC

