The FTSE 100 index edged down 0.1% on Friday to 7,615.54 points, dragged in part by oil-and-gas majors slipping on lower oil prices. On the upside, Tesco and Sainsbury's jumped after Morgan Stanley upgraded both, seeing the companies likely to benefit from volume growth in 2024. COMPANIES NEWS:YouGov Expects to Meet Market Views Despite Challenging ConditionsYouGov said it expects to meet full-year market expectations after strong early revenue growth, despite a challenging economic environment. ---Aukett Swanke Swings to Profit on Strong Revenue GrowthAukett Swanke said that it returned to profitability in fiscal 2023 on doubled revenue and that it expects to post record revenue for the current fiscal year. Markets currently price in 101 basis points of BOE rate cuts in 2024, down from 109bps priced in prior to the BOE's announcement, Refinitiv data show.
Source: Wall Street Journal February 02, 2024 17:55 UTC