The 1977-1982 set of the Fiditi Grammar School Old Student Association (FIGSOSA) has celebrated its 40th reunion anniversary to recall history with jokes and smiles and prayers for those who have departed the world among them. “No one in this world is rich enough to buy his/her own childhood or youthful days back. Only friends could help to recreate those moments from time to time at no cost,” he said. ALSO READ FROM NIGERIAN TRIBUNEWhile he harped on the power of association in life, he buttressed it with a Shakespare quote saying, “New friends may be poems, but old friends are alphabets. Do not forget the alphabets, because you will need them to read the poems.”He lauded the re-union sub-committee, chaired by Mr Akinwumi Olatunbosun for their efforts in making the day a reality and all the distinguished old mates that contributed ideas, money and advice to make the event a huge success.
Source: Nigerian Tribune June 30, 2022 07:28 UTC