Experts call for judicial commission to probe May 9 mayhem - News Summed Up

Experts call for judicial commission to probe May 9 mayhem

Naveed Hussain, Chief Editor of The Express Tribune, emphasised the necessity of a judicial probe during a discussion on the "Experts" talk show on Express News. Khan scrutinised the DG ISPR's news conference, highlighting a notable shift in focus from discussing terrorism to addressing the May 9 incidents. He pointed out apparent contradictions in the DG ISPR's statements regarding the justice system and reiterated the urgency of a judicial inquiry into the matter. Contrary to Khan's stance, Amir Ilyas Rana, Express News Bureau Chief in Islamabad, asserted coherence in the DG ISPR's statements. He clarified the DG ISPR's position on the necessity of a judicial commission, stressing that the circumstances surrounding the May 9 incidents were clear and transparent.

Source: The Express Tribune May 09, 2024 18:15 UTC

