Exit polling indicates Peruvians vote to fight corruption - News Summed Up

Exit polling indicates Peruvians vote to fight corruption

A voter signs her name after having voted in a referendum aimed at curbing corruption in Lima, Peru, Sunday, Dec. 9, 2018. (Cesar Olmos/Associated Press)LIMA, Peru — Peruvian voters agreed to take on corruption Sunday, according to exit polls, as the South American nation struggles to end a scourge that has landed lawmakers, judges and even former presidents behind bars. In recent years Peru has been jolted by the Odebrecht corruption scandal that is toppling the careers of some of Latin America’s highest-ranking politicians. A recent survey by Latinobarometro, a respected regional polling firm, found that just 8 percent of Peruvians trust the legislature, the lowest in the region. The third would prohibit immediate re-election, a move unlikely to illicit major changes since relatively few lawmakers serve back-to-back terms.

Source: Washington Post December 10, 2018 02:03 UTC

