Ethnocentrism,Ethiopia & the Ethiopian Experience (Tesfaye Demmellash) - News Summed Up

Ethnocentrism,Ethiopia & the Ethiopian Experience (Tesfaye Demmellash)

In this approach, we see an escalation of distinct yet overlapping Ethiopian socio-cultural communities into separate, island-like, insular identities, hyperreal social referents. Never mind that the identities of distinct local and cultural Ethiopian communities have actually been shaped not simply by speaking a particular language, dwelling in a particular place, or practicing a given custom or religion. It is worth noting in this connection a central paradox that has haunted the Ethiopian revolutionary experience since the days of the Student Movement. Their allusions to “nations, nationalities and peoples” have never addressed Ethiopian social classes or distinct ethnic and cultural communities as particular, autonomous, self-organized, yet intersecting and overlapping social beings. This is the pattern of identity politics that the Woyanes and their Oromo counterparts in particular have followed for decades.

Source: Ethiopian News June 14, 2019 02:48 UTC

