Ethiopia: March 8 and Ethiopian Women - News Summed Up

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Ethiopia: March 8 and Ethiopian Women

Everyday, we witness the violations of women's rights, discrimination based on gender and lack of women's representation in the administrative ladder..A glimpse of Ethiopian women historyEthiopian women have active participation in all aspects of their communities over ages. Before the 1974 Revolution, women's organized activities were run by non -governmental bodies such as Ethiopian Women's Welfare Association, the Ethiopian Officer's Wives Association and the Ethiopian Female Students' Association. During the civil war, Ethiopian women made a unique contribution both as fighters and as civilian supporters to challenging and ousting the brutal and incompetent regime of the military junta. Ethiopian women in the Post-1991 periodSoon after the demise of the Derg regime, a Transitional Government of Ethiopia whose principles set out in a charter was formed. The government's commitment for women's rights was further demonstrated by an issued article solely dealt with women's rights.

Source: Ethiopian News March 08, 2017 15:11 UTC

