Entrepreneurs voice challenges they faced: Experiences from different industries - News Summed Up

Entrepreneurs voice challenges they faced: Experiences from different industries

“Ideally, they should create new business incubators for SMEs [Small and Medium Sized Enterprises] to fund start-ups in specific sectors, targeting women entrepreneurs, especially in Upper Egypt and poor areas. An entrepreneurial culture could be supported through promoting successful entrepreneurship role models in the media, and by offering entrepreneurship curricula in schools and universities. So, we thought that the production/manufacturing is already here, all that is missing is the research-based designs, marketing, and branding. No university in Egypt teaches social media and so those who want to learn it have to take courses. “The business climate in Egypt actually is a welcoming environment for most start-ups, especially if the nature of your service is demanded.

Source: Egypt Today December 14, 2018 13:18 UTC

