National film award-winning actress Anjana passed away on Friday night at 59. Misha Sawdagar, president of the Bangladesh Film Artistes' Association, confirmed Anjana's death to the media, as per a UNB report. Anjana's first released film was Doshshu Bonhur (1976), directed by Shamsuddin Togor, although her acting career began in 1976 with the film Setu, directed by Babul Chowdhury. Anjana was married to producer-director Azizur Rahman Buli (1946–2022) and acted in two of his films, Lalu Sardar and Nepali Meye. She received the National Film Award for Best Actress for her performances in Parineeta and Gangchill.
Source: bd News24 January 04, 2025 02:40 UTC