Elisa O'Donovan writes to Green Party to call out sexism - News Summed Up

Elisa O'Donovan writes to Green Party to call out sexism

A Limerick councillor who was the subject of offensive and inappropriate comments in a WhatsApp group has written to the Green Party to call out "double standards" and sexism in politics. However, Mr Leddin was not formally sanctioned by the Green Party Executive for his remarks. Green Party leader Eamon Ryan said dignity and respect were not on display in Brian Leddin's exchange but agreed with the decision not to take further action on the matter. Mr Leddin was not formally sanctioned by the Green Party Executive for his remarks. Pic Gareth Chaney/ Collins PhotosWriting to the Green Party Executive Committee, Ms O'Donovan, said: "It is unacceptable to me that men can accept apologies on my behalf.

Source: Irish Examiner September 14, 2021 21:00 UTC

