(MENAFN - Daily News Egypt) The three-month-old ban on taking electronic devices such as laptops into aircraft cabins on flights from #Egypt to the #UnitedStates has been lifted on Wednesday. Minister of Civil Aviation Sherif Fathi welcomed the decision, adding that there was coordination between Cairo International Airport and EgyptAir, which reassured the US authorities on security procedures applied to EgyptAir flights to New York. EgyptAir Chairperson Safwat Musallam said the ban on taking laptops and other electronic devices aboard aircraft cabins on EgyptAir flights to New York has beenifted on Wednesday for a year or until another emergency amendment is introduced. He added that a similar ban on flights to London was still in effect. Royal Jordanian Airlines (RJA) announced on Sunday that it would lift the ban on electronic devices in cabins on direct flights to the #UnitedStates on Sunday.
Source: Daily News Egypt July 13, 2017 08:22 UTC