CAIRO – 11 July 2020: Mohamed Hashem, the owner of Merit Publishing House was arrested to be investigated over police reports filed against him, accusing him of harassing several girls. Under the hashtag, social media users circulated posts and stories from ladies who were harassed by Hashem, and decided to expose him after a woman posted he harassed her in 2019. The woman said that she was introduced to Hashem during a ceremony marking the publishing house’s establishment anniversary, and that when she visited the publishing house again to buy books, Hashem attacked her and harassed her against her will. She encouraged all women who were harassed by Hashem to expose him and tell their stories. In another post, a woman shared a message chat between her and another victim of Hashem, who said that she went to Merit Publishing House to publish her first book, and that Hashem invited her to see the house’s store.
Source: Egypt Today July 11, 2020 18:22 UTC