CAIRO – 20 October 2022: Egypt’s Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli ordered extending ban on rice export to meet local market needs, affirming the importance of tightening control over crossing points. Madbouli met on Thursday with Minister of Supply and Internal Trade Ali El-Moselhi to follow up on the ministry’s efforts to provide rice in local markets. Prices of rice per kilogram have reached LE 10 in consumer complexes in light of the ministry’s efforts to secure rice to decrease its prices in local markets. Farmers have provided around 140,000 tons of rice so far since the beginning of the harvest season, which continues until December, Moselhi noted. Egypt also collected 4.2 million tons of local wheat from farmers during the past wheat supply season, which extended from April to August.
Source: Egypt Today October 20, 2022 23:58 UTC