Egypt to develop AU’s structure reform, capabilities: President - News Summed Up

Egypt to develop AU’s structure reform, capabilities: President

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced during the 32nd ordinary session of the African Union (AU) assembly in Ethiopia on Sunday that Egypt would develop the capabilities of the AU commission, and support its structure and financial reform. As he took over the AU presidency, Sisi praised Rwandan president Paul Kagame for his efforts in furthering joint African work and leading an active, reformist tenure as African Union chairman in 2018. Kagame said that Sisi would help reform the AU and asserted this support for Sisi during his presidency tenure. The theme for the AU’s 32nd ordinary session is “Migration and Displacement in Africa: Addressing the underlying causes through innovative risk financing mechanisms background.”African countries attach particular importance to this crisis in light of the armed conflicts and disasters in the continent which have displaced over 2.7 million Africans, in addition to the movement of terrorist organizations to certain African countries after losing their grip on Iraq, Syria and Libya, which would drive large numbers of Africans to seek illegal immigration in European countries or even join these terrorist organizations. Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

Source: Egypt Independent February 10, 2019 13:07 UTC

